When in need of a personal body cleaning routine that is easy to perform, time saving, possibly physically necessary, and still effective at maintaining hygiene, then Bedside-Care EasiCleanse bathing wipes may be your answer. An excellent choice for those who may have to avoid getting certain body parts wet, like an arm in a cast or after surgery, and need a way to still bath themselves or who need a quick wipedown to remove dirt and feel fresh again. Bedside-Care EasiCleanse bathing wipes are soft, thick, and disposable washcloths that are great for bathing, shampooing the hair, and for incontinence cleaning. All ages can use Bedside-Care EasiCleanse bathing wipes. The wipes are even appropriate for neonatal use. Bedside-Care EasiCleanse bathing wipes are manufactured by Coloplast who has a business history that includes ostomy care, continence care, surgical urology, wound care and skin care.
- Filmy residue will not be left on the skin
- CHG (chlorhexidine gluconate) compatible
- Made without any preservatives, dyes, or alcohol ingredients
- Latex free and pH-balanced
- Can be used on sensitive skin